Filosofia e critica sociale

Salvatore Muscolino


In this paper I compare Wittgenstein’s and Adorno’s different post-metaphysical visions of philosophy. In my opinion, it is possible to find many analogies between their approaches regarding the importance of the analysis of concepts and the relation between philosophy and music. But, while Adorno’s theory is understandable just within the sort of philosophy of history traced in the famous Dialectical of Enlightenment, Wittgenstein is absolutely against such an approach. According to Adorno, negative dialectic is the only philosophical instrument useful to resist the universal tendency of domination of the Reason and his vision of language derives from that presupposition. By opposite, Wittgenstein believes that many “language games” exist and therefore our liberty depends on the possibility to use language in different ways. But the notion of “language games” presupposes that of “form of life” and therefore using language is a collective experience and not a monological one like in Adorno. This difference is the most important in order to understand why Adorno still believes in a positive role of philosophy while Wittgenstein not. More, according to Adorno, our liberty is also reachable thanks to that kind of music that stands opposite to social domination while Wittgenstein argues that we have to gain a contemplative perspective of the music in order to annul our suffering.        

Parole chiave

Wittgenstein; Adorno; philosophy; analysis of concept; negative dialectics; music;

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